Network Connections

Native IPv6 Connectivity

Since the summer of 2005, 3ROX has been operating native IPv6 connectivity to the commodity Internet over its Level 3 connection. IPv6 connectivity was added to the Cogent connection shortly thereafter. For 3ROX customers, IPv6 is here now whether you're using the commodity Internet or high-performance research networks.

Regional Network Connections

3ROX provides enhanced regional connectivity by participating in local peering arrangements with regional ISPs. The GigaPoP peers with Comcast, MetNet and Cavalier and exchanges connector routes with local Comcast cable modem and MetNet and Cavalier DSL routes for improved network efficiency.

Wide Area Network Connections

The Three Rivers Optical Exchange provides cost effective, high capacity, state-of-the-art network connectivity to academic, government and commercial entities in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Member institutions enjoy access to expandable, redundant Internet connectivity and qualifying institutions have access to the high-performance backbone network of Internet2.

Wide Area Network Connections
Commodity Internet Connections Available Bandwidth
Level3 2 Gb/s
Cogent 2 Gb/s
Research Network Connections (Layer 3) Available Bandwidth
Internet2 IP Network 100 Gb/s
XSEDE Extensible Backplane Network 20 GbE dedicated / 30 GbE shared
Peering Connections Available Bandwidth
ESnet 1 Gb/s
TransitRail/Internet2 Content Peering Service (TR-CPS)
20 Gb/s (shared with Internet2 IP network)
SOX (Southern Crossroads) 1 Gb/s
OARnet 1 Gb/s
Dedicated Research Connections (Layer 2) Available Bandwidth
PSC Northern Pike

10 Gb/s

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